Burg Machines & Constructie

About Burg Machines and construction

Since 1961

A vd Burg machines and construction was founded in 1961by Nol vd Burg. In the sixties and seventies the local farmers were the majority of it’s clientele. Firstly for the equipment for the horses, later for tractors and machinery, the welding work and the reparations on site.
Founder Nol vd Burg nowadays has decided to take a step back, but still is active in the company. The daily business is now being led by his sons Arjan and Peet vd Burg, while even grandson Bas is starting to learn the trades of the job as his weekend job.


In the past few years our customer poule has grown more diverse. Now we deliver, construct and repair machines for the construction of greenhouses, for gardeners and landscapers, municipalities, road workers and private individuals. In short, for everyone who finds good quality and service important.


Welding and construction work has always been a large portion of our activities. We deliver complete steel structures, fencing, etc. Also the protection of these structures (powder coating etc.) is something we can offer.

Garden and Park

Since 1996 we supply garden and park articles to gardeners, landscapers and households. In our showroom you can find our complete assortment of (lawn)mowers, chainsaws, forest mowers and other gardening equipment.

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In cooperation with several other companies, we have developed a great number of machines that are used in the greenhouse industry. We put a lot of energy and attention into the durability of our machines. Because of our high maintenance standards and the quality of our electronical installations, we can guaranty a minimum downtime in hours of your machines. If anything unexpectedly breaks down, we will guarantee a swift reparation on site.

Glass plateau

Our glass plateau’s can have a floor height of 10 meters, extendable from two sides up till 6 x 4,5 meters and including an automatic glass transport system and two hydraulically propulsed gas taps. The machine is propulsed by a 100 hp John Deere or Kubota diesel engine and can be fully radiographically controlled. The levelling frame will ensure that you can always work on a smooth surface. As for the glass transport to the machine, we can supply every brand tractor, completely equipped with mast and loader.


In cooperation with RPO we have developed a front glassing machine. This track propulsed machine makes the glassing of greenhouse fronts much easier, safer and faster. This machine pack front glass on the front and back. These two packings of glass can be lifted hydraulically in a slant position, to make the lifts easier and more smooth. One side is hydraulically extendable, to ensure a safe distance to the front. The machine is propulsed by a 80 hp John Deere diesel engine and can be completely radio controlled. The levelling frame will ensure that you can always work on a smooth surface.


With a floor height of 8 meters and a four-sided extendable floor of 11 x 6 meters, you will have sufficient height en all-round spacing to execute your work safe and sound. The total loading capacity of 2000KG allows the possibility to transport all your possessions to a higher level. The machine is powered by a John Deere or Kubota diesel engine and is fully radio controlled. The levelling frame ensures that you can work on a flat edge at all times.


In the greenery business a lot of the work is done in height, with blinds and aerial work. For these activities we will use a scissor lift with a floor height of 9 meters. The level can be fully turned and extended on both sides up to 8 x 3 meters. The track tyres and the 81 hp John Deere diesel engine will make it possible to work under extreme conditions. The machine is completely radio controlled. The levelling frame will ensure that you can always work on a smooth surface.

We build machines for the greenery and greenery demolition business!

Are you looking for professional advice?
Feel free to come by and visit our showroom!

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